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 stories of others

Of course you would like to know what other people's experiences are with the Magic Retreats. There are plenty of them and I have collected a number of very beautiful and inspiring experiences of special and authentic women for you.

Suzanne de Moor

Founder & Owner - More Advice

This "yoga, meditation, retreat, coaching journey" in Andalusia, was MAGICAL. Magical in many ways.

Breathing & yoga/meditation (practice)
Connection & Connecting
Nature & clean air
Discovering my own path
New insights & coaching

I have completely relaxed and gained new energy & inspiration that I want to use and apply for the next 40 years of my life. This place was surrounded by beautiful natural parks. Woke up with the sound of crickets and birds and went to sleep with the sound of frogs.

It was wonderful to not have to fulfill the roles in daily life that give me meaning (family, work, relatives & friends) for a while and just be completely Suzanne.


Yvonne Dekkers

Office Manager

During my burnout period I had the opportunity to participate in the yoga retreat of Soulware in Andalusia. This retreat gave me a lot of insight, my life has completely changed after these four days. We start the retreat with an opening ritual where we were given a sheet of paper and a pen. On this we could write down for ourselves what we wanted to take with us, what we wanted to learn and what we wanted to leave behind. Here already a huge mirror was held up to me. I knew immediately what I had to do the coming days. Every morning, at sunrise we start with a yoga session and meditation, after which we had breakfast together. The rest of the day you were free to do and leave whatever you wanted. I experienced the days alone and in silence. Synchronicities occurred, I started to perceive them. What an amazing experience! Especially the butterfly that appeared to me, no one saw her except me. In my eyes she was unmissable, so big, a Monarch! Every evening we ended with a yoga session and meditation, after which we all had a nice dinner together. We ended the evenings with a glass(es) of wine and delicious cheeses! On the plane back home I was overwhelmed by a feeling of clarity. As if I had collected all the puzzle pieces. I only had to put the puzzle together. I experienced these days as very intense and incredibly valuable.

Stephanie Maria Hameeteman

organisator Spiritual Events.
         'Op HodenPijl' 

I know Aliye from yoga classes I took with her at a studio where she taught them. I also followed her Self Love Challenge.

Initially I had other travel plans but there was still 1 spot available for the yoga retreat, which was for me. ;) .It just had to be. In a beautiful location, beautiful yoga space, wonderful yoga lessons and amazing food. The workshop 'Conscious Manifestation' has brought me exactly what I had aimed for during the workshop: a new nice workplace in the 'green'. Now I work as an organizer at a spiritual center in a beautiful location.

Marianne Berendse

Innovation Leadership

The Yoga Retreat was exceptional on all levels. Aliye is a fantastic Yoga teacher and lead the group with the perfect balance of gentle encouragement and limit-challenging guidance. Her extensive knowledge base is both impressive and reassuring, and she connected with all of us at the level we needed to improve.

I loved the morning sessions at the beach, it is so beautiful to listen to the waves.

You have enough time between the sessions to explore the fabulous surroundings of Tarifa.

Elisabeth König

Business Developer

The Magic Retreat in Andalusia was one of my highlights in 2017. 

The spot is just so beautiful and helps fully to let go of every day life. 

Aliye is a great yogateacher with a high degree of sensitivity of the group and you individually.

The yoga sessions but also the interaction with the group of beautiful people were especially enriching. I can really recommend this experience. 

Harry Somsen

Financial Director

I was so relaxed during the Magic Retreat that I hardly could imagine that stress exist. The location was stunning, with a lovely pool and close to the beach. Although I had less experience with yoga, the classes are for all levels and I noticed some progression as well. It was a very nice experience. 

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